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Recreational League Outdoor Rules

  1. SHIN GUARDS and SOCCER SHOES are a must at each soccer practice/game for all ages.  Each player must participate a minimum of 50% of the total playing time. 
  2. HANDBALL if unintentional, play on, if intentional (in the goal area) a penalty kick is awarded.  If outside of goal area a direct kick is awarded from area where handball took place.   
  3. For U4, U5, U6, U7, U8 and U10 there will be no throw-ins, ONLY KICK-INS (to develop more touches on the ball and improve passing and passing vision.   
  4.  Maximum number of players on the field at any one time per teams- U4 to U6- three (3) players-no goalie, U7 & U8 combined- five (5) players-includes goalie, U9 & U10 combined- seven (7) playersincludes goalie, U11 & U12 combined- nine (9) players-includes goalie.
  5. Length of games with referees- U8- 2 X 20 min, U10- 2 X 25 min., U12- 2 X 35 min.  Each with a 5 min. break in between. NOTE: Games with referees begin at U10 and above. 
  6. For U4, U5 and U6 – Recommended time limit 45 minutes. Encouraged to play small sided games and fun activities.  
  7. Unlimited substitution during stoppage of play and/or upon the signal of the referee. 
  8. The goalkeeper cannot handle the ball (with their hands) outside the goal area. 
  9. Goal kicks may be taken from any point inside the goal area. 
  10. PENALTY KICKS are to be taken from a 10-yard spot directly in front of the mid-point of the goal, instead of the normal penalty spot of 12 yards. Penalty Kicks are recommended from U10 and above. 
  11. The referee shall explain infractions to the offending players. 
  12. Coaches, managers, team officials and parents shall not criticize game officials at any time and shall encourage the same attitude amongst all players and supporters. 
  13. The ball is to be considered ‘frozen’ immediately, when the referee in his discretion, considers that it is ‘in the possession’ of the goalkeeper.
  14. On the taking of a goal kick no opponent is to be closer to the goal area marking than 10 yards.
  15. During the regular season games, one coach referees the first half of the game and the other coach referees the last half of the game.  This applies for all other age groups, where a referee is normally used but fails to show after having waited 10 minutes. 
  16. GAME SHEETS are required by all age groups U10 and up.  The game sheet must be completed properly and signed by the referee and coaches and faxed to the Club.  Only registered players will be allowed to play.
  17. Players with open wounds or blood stained uniforms will not be allowed to play. 
  18. Cancellation and rescheduling of games due to weather or other reasons will be coordinated by the Executive Director and / or the House League Director. *Subject to Change. 
  19. During the game, parents and spectators are to be on the opposite side of the field to the players and coach. 
  20. No one is to stand at the ends of the field (behind the goal) during the game. 
  21. Off side rule in effect for all games played at U12 and above. 
  22. There are no league standings or scores recorded. 

Get in Touch

Clubhouse  Address:
10415 Islington Avenue
(beside the Kleinburg Public School)     

Phone: 905-893-3388      

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 358 
Kleinburg, On  L0J 1C0


Clubhouse Hours
Monday - Thursday: 
10 am - 6 pm
Friday: 10 am - 2 pm
Saturday & Sunday: closed
(Closed long weekends & Holidays)